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Personalitati Politice

Activity for 15 - 21 July
view previous week
ActivityOverview in Personalitati Politice
  • Fan-page interaction

    Fans Interaction

    Total comments:
    13,138 (-47,9%)

    Total likes:
    100,764 (-23,6%)

    Total shares:
    5,439 (-25,3%)

  • Average response

    Average Response

    1,292 (-6,9%)

    168 (-36,6%)

    70 (-9,1%)

  • Content text

    Text Content

    Total Posts:
    78 (-31,0%)

    Total Links:

    Total Statuses:
    7 (+133,3%)

  • Content video

    Media Content

    Total Photos:
    49 (-31,0%)

    Total Videos:
    21 (0,0%)

TopPlayers in Personalitati Politice
Top Players Interactions Share of
Nicușor Dan 30752 20.2%
Mircea Geoana 24194 15.9%
Cristian Popescu Piedone 23524 15.4%
Gabriela Firea 17343 11.4%
RMDSZ 10144 6.7%
Robert Negoita 8123 5.3%
Raluca Turcan 6398 4.2%
Emil Boc 5758 3.8%
Alina Gorghiu 4379 2.9%
Partidul Social Democrat 4170 2.7%
Day Posts Likes Comm Shares
Mon 13 25004 2683 1359
Tue 11 15115 1903 849
Wed 10 16752 3921 909
Thu 15 19693 2169 868
Fri 12 9077 1048 715
Sat 9 10182 996 491
Sun 8 6563 792 299
"Posts" by time of day
morning (6-12) 24
after noon (12-18) 32
evening (18-24) 22
nights (24-6) 0