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Subscription Plans

Plan Maximum no. of fans
(all pages)
Pages / Accounts included Subusers Monthly price* Aditional pages
Level 1 500.000 1 1 80 € 5 euro / page
Level 2 1.000.000 3 2 120 € 5 euro / page
Level 3 2.000.000 5 3 210 € 5 euro / page
Level 4 5.000.000 10 5 280 € 5 euro / page
Level 5 10.000.000 20 5 380 € 5 euro / page
Level 6 15.000.000 30 5 455 € 5 euro / page
Level 7 Contact us
* The price of a plan is referring to a Facebook page or/and Business Instagram Account and to the number of competitors with a similar number of fans. Prices are not including VAT.
** Under this Terms & Conditions

All Subscription Plans offers access and specific features to:

  • Timeline
  • Fans Metrics details & comparison between periods of time
  • Content Response details & comparison between periods of time
  • Content Generation details (including Top Content) & comparison between periods of time
  • Export data
  • Charts & graphs
  • Alerts/summary
  • Support by e-mail & by phone
  • Guaranteed Uptime of 99% calculated annually
  • Training on request

Package Options


Price list: 80 Euro / 398 Lei + VAT
* BNR rate exchange 1 Euro = 4.97 Lei
Total payment: 474 Lei (VAT included)

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Plata online cu card bancar prin EuPlatesc (Visa/Maestro/Mastercard).
Daca ati ales metoda de plata " Online prin card bancar " este necesar sa completati un formular cu informatiile despre cardul dumneavoastra in pagina securizata a procesatorului de plati.
 - Platile cu carduri de credit/debit emise sub sigla Visa si MasterCard (Visa/Visa Electron si MasterCard/Maestro)
se efectuaeaza prin intermediul sistemului "3-D Secure" elaborat de organizatiile care asigura tranzactiilor on-line acelasi nivel de securitate ca cele realizate la bancomat sau in mediul fizic, la comerciant.
 - "3-D Secure" asigura in primul rand ca nici o informatie legata de cardul dumneavoastra nu este transferata sau stocata,
la nici un moment de timp, pe serverele magazinului sau pe serverele procesatorului de plati, aceste date fiind direct introduse in sistemele Visa si MasterCard.
Important de stiut! - Pentru platile prin card bancar nu este perceput nici un comision!