Fans Interaction
Total comments:
1,615 (+37,0%)
Total likes:
19,191 (+92,1%)
Total shares:
1,446 (+106,3%)
Average Response
300 (+58,7%)
25 (+13,6%)
23 (+76,9%)
Text Content
Total Posts:
64 (-2,7%)
Total Links:
7 (+40,0%)
Total Statuses:
16 (+128,6%)
Media Content
Total Photos:
36 (-2,7%)
Total Videos:
5 (+25,0%)
Top Players | Interactions | Share of voice |
Rugby Romania | 18749 | 75.7% |
Federatia Romana de Lupte (FRL) | 3560 | 14.4% |
Federatia Romana de Baschet | 2157 | 8.7% |
FRH - Federația Română de Handbal | 288 | 1.2% |
Day | Posts | Likes | Comm | Shares |
Mon | 6 | 1079 | 196 | 64 |
Tue | 7 | 1681 | 115 | 157 |
Wed | 10 | 2708 | 185 | 133 |
Thu | 8 | 1447 | 81 | 110 |
Fri | 7 | 2563 | 285 | 208 |
Sat | 10 | 3233 | 427 | 383 |
Sun | 16 | 6480 | 326 | 391 |
"Posts" by time of day | |
morning (6-12) | 16 |
after noon (12-18) | 20 |
evening (18-24) | 25 |
nights (24-6) | 3 |