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Canale TV

Activity for 15 - 21 July
view previous week
ActivityOverview in Canale TV
  • Fan-page interaction

    Fans Interaction

    Total comments:
    103,308 (-23,2%)

    Total likes:
    354,051 (-24,5%)

    Total shares:
    10,511 (-37,0%)

  • Average response

    Average Response

    85 (-19,8%)

    25 (-19,4%)

    3 (-25,0%)

  • Content text

    Text Content

    Total Posts:
    4,151 (-8,6%)

    Total Links:
    1,717 (-5,3%)

    Total Statuses:
    175 (+9,4%)

  • Content video

    Media Content

    Total Photos:
    1,790 (-8,6%)

    Total Videos:
    469 (-0,8%)

TopPlayers in Canale TV
Top Players Interactions Share of
Digi24 144964 26.9%
Kanal D Romania 107525 19.9%
Prima Sport 59369 11.0%
Antena1 51584 9.5%
Prima TV 48754 9.0%
Digi Sport 45596 8.4%
PRO TV 31203 5.8%
Orange Sport 20450 3.8% 10925 2.0%
National Geographic 6364 1.2%
Day Posts Likes Comm Shares
Mon 640 94843 17642 2632
Tue 601 50736 15308 1489
Wed 606 48916 14136 1497
Thu 635 44917 15024 1260
Fri 590 40133 14518 1551
Sat 535 41020 14312 1200
Sun 544 39724 13448 1124
"Posts" by time of day
morning (6-12) 1079
after noon (12-18) 1402
evening (18-24) 1282
nights (24-6) 388