Zelist Monitor is a media monitoring and measurement tool. Every week, Zelist Monitor analyzes over 96.000 blogs, over 90.000 Facebook pages, over 350.000 Twitter accounts, over 8.000 online publications, and more than 70 of the most important forums to give you the opportunity to identify in real time the main discussions created around the brands that interest you.
In other words, it is very important to look beyond the number of occurrences of a brand name in a text. It is important to measure more tangible results.
That is why here, at ZeList Monitor, we have developed a model to estimate the potential impact of an appearance in social media.
Our model takes into account both the particularities of the source and the buzz that a certain occurrence generates (comments, quotations in the blogosphere, dissemination on Twitter and Facebook).
Of course, this number is an approximation, which has its limits, but it can show us who the visitors exposed to a message are, much better than the classical approach: number of appearances of a word in a given text.