ZeList Monitor at a glance

More than just a monitoring service, ZeList Monitor is a complete media management solution for media monitoring sector.

We offer you the largest database of sources regarding online media and social media:
- 8,100 publications, including comments on articles
- 65,000 blogs, including comments
- 76,000 Facebook pages
- 85.000 Instagram business accounts
- 866,000 Youtube accounts
- 50 forums
- 149 sources from central authorities and 387 sources from local authorities

And not from yesterday. We have an archive for almost 10 years.
You can search for anything at any time. We offer to our clients an impressive arsenal of data, consisting of demographic and geographical data, visibility assessments, reports, analyzes and alerts.

Now we have added the TV and radio monitoring service. For a convenient price.
We automatically monitor all news sections and relevant talk shows. Peste 1000 hours per month, from 20 TV stations and 12 radio stations (main stations). You can have instant access to any segment of interest.

We are the choice of the leaders in the field of communication (advertising agencies, PR, digital), banking, retail, telecommunications, IT, industry, FMGC.

Possibilities to mark the content (tags, sentiment, etc.)

We allow human intervention on the content. You can define the subject of an article/post, you can specify irrelevant conversations and sources and define sentiment/tone of voice for a certain post/article. And all this information is well structured in the automated analysis generated by the system.

Complex analysis

At the beginning of each week/month, we provide you with synthetic data about the presence in social media of your brand. Quantitative representations and comparisons with previous periods of time and with your competition, share-of-voice, topics breakdown etc.

Geographical data of the emitters

ZeList Monitor reveals geographical distribution of all those that discuss about your brand, both on blogs and on Twitter.

Demographic data of the emitters

We tell you the age and gender of all those that mention your brand on their blogs or Twitter accounts.

How much information/audience are we talking about when we say Social Media, online press, radio and TV from .ro?


Which produce monthly
+ 100.000 posts

* ZeList monitors 99% of Romanian blogs


Twitter accounts

Which produce monthly
1.5 mil tweets

* ZeList monitors 99% of Romanian Twitter accounts


online press sources

Which produce monthly
600.000 articles

* the most online sources in .ro


public Facebook pages

Which produce monthly
1.4 mil posts
4 mil comments

+3.1 mil*

blog readers

Out of which
741.000 frequent readers

* according to SATI/BRAT


Facebook users

Up by
9.5% in the last year

* according to official Facebook data



Which produce monthly
400.000 posts


TV channels

10.000 hours
monthly recorded


Radio channels

24.570 hours
monthly recorded



100% BRAT members
100% mainstream
100% local
* option to add more on request


websites and other sources of local and central public authorities

National Authorities: 149
Local Authorities: 387

Industry leaders use ZeList Monitor
What clients say about us

I chose the Zelist variant for the speed and for the extremely valuable insights it offers. Zelist alerts have become normal every day. From the various types of reports you can quickly extract valuable information for any marketer.

Oltea Cristina Belciuganu
Chartered Marketer
Marketing Director CEC Bank

Collaboration with Zelist Monitor is a must for Vola.ro as we use monitoring to listen actively and act according to the feedback received. The fact that we receive alerts in real time is essential for our communication.

Claudia Tocila
Head of Marketing

ZeList Monitor supports